our group coaching program

Are you tired of dieting?

If you want to learn how to have a healthy relationship with food and your body... You've come to the right place! 

Do you...

âś” Feel trapped in the cycle of dieting: Tired of jumping from one restrictive diet to another, only to regain the lost weight and feel defeated.

âś” Experience guilt and shame around food: Struggle with feelings of guilt after indulging in "forbidden" foods or fear that certain foods will derail your progress.

âś” Battle with negative body image: Constantly compare your body to others and feel dissatisfied with your appearance, no matter your size or weight.

âś” Rely on external rules to guide eating habits: Depend on calorie counting apps or strict meal plans, leading to disconnection from natural hunger and fullness cues.

âś” Feel overwhelmed by conflicting nutrition information: Bombarded with ever-changing diet trends and unsure of what is truly healthy for your unique needs.

âś” View certain food groups as the enemy: Believe that carbs or other food groups are to blame for weight gain or health issues, leading to unnecessary restrictions.

✔ Struggle with emotional eating: Turn to food as a coping mechanism for stress, boredom, or other emotions, creating a cycle of guilt and overeating.

âś” Experience chaotic eating patterns: Skip meals or restrict during the day, only to overeat at night due to intense hunger and deprivation.

You're not alone! And you've come to the right place. At Be About Being Better, we can help!

I need this!

The Better Together Program

Our 6-month group coaching program! Guided by our BETTER Method, this comprehensive program is designed to empower you with the tools and knowledge to navigate away from restrictive diets and embrace a more intuitive, joyful, and sustainable way of living.

Join Now!
In the Better Together Program

You can expect...

✔ Expert Guidance: You will be coached by a Registered Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, who will lead you through evidence-based practices, offering personalized support and encouragement.

✔ Group Support: Connect and learn from like-minded individuals who are on similar journeys, fostering a sense of belonging and understanding. 

✔ Practical Strategies: Receive actionable steps and strategies that align with Intuitive Eating and HAES principles, helping you build a positive and balanced relationship with food and your body.

✔ Ongoing Accountability: Stay motivated and inspired with regular check-ins and progress assessments to support your growth and success.

✔ Lifelong Skills: Develop essential skills that extend beyond the program, empowering you to sustain your newfound well-being, free from diet culture, for the long term.

Are you ready to start your transformation?

I need this

What's Included:

✔ 18 live group coaching sessions over 6 months with recordings

✔ Engaged Groupchat for community building and asking questions

✔ Lifetime access to online course with associated training modules

✔ Workout app access with a bank of different workout options

✔ Mailed welcome pack with a journal & Intuitive Eating Workbook

Sold! I'm In.
Guided by our...


The BETTER Method is our 6-step framework for our group coaching program that will help you embrace Intuitive Eating, nourish your body, develop sustainable healthy habits, improve body image, and break away from diet culture... for good!

Month 1: B - Begin with Baseline

Establish your starting point by taking stock of your current habits and beliefs around food and your body. Embrace the first two intuitive eating principles: honoring your hunger and respecting your fullness. We'll lay the foundation for your transformational journey.

Month 2: E - Embrace Intuitive Eating

Dive deeper into the intuitive eating principles by giving yourself unconditional permission to eat. Let go of restrictive mindsets and practices by challenging your food rules and begin to savor the joy of eating intuitively.

Month 3: Transform Your Thoughts

Equip yourself with the tools to challenge harmful diet culture beliefs that have influenced your body image and self-worth. Celebrate body diversity and embrace your unique beauty, focusing on self-compassion and acceptance.

Month 4: Transcend in Real Life

We'll take what you've learned and apply it to real-life scenarios. Together, we'll explore how to navigate holidays, vacations, family emergencies, illnesses, and other challenging situations while maintaining a healthy and intuitive relationship with food and your body. We'll transcend beyond traditional dieting approaches and embrace flexibility and self-compassion in every aspect of your life.

Month 5: E - Embrace More Joy

We'll focus on infusing your life with more joy, both in your eating experiences and physical activities. We'll cultivate mindful eating habits savoring each bite, and finding pleasure in nourishing your body. We'll also shift your perspective on exercise, letting go of punitive exercise patterns and embracing movement as a source of pleasure and wellbeing.

Month 6: R - Rediscover Your Purpose

As you've healed your relationship with food and your body, you've unlocked a newfound mental freedom and headspace. Now, it's time to explore and rediscover your life's purpose, aligning your actions with your passions, values, and aspirations. With the mental weight of dieting lifted, you can focus on what truly brings fulfillment and vibrancy to your life.

Want more information?
Schedule a call with Coach Abbie!

Schedule a Clarity Call with Coach Abbie below to talk about your specific goals and health history to see if the program makes sense for you! Can't find a time that works? DM her on Instagram @abbie.stasior to schedule outside her calendar!

Schedule a clarity call here!

Are you ready to take the first step towards BETTER health?

We have 3 different ways to pay! Save $250 by paying in full or extend your payments out over 6 or 9 months.

Payment Option 1

Take advantage of our $250 discount by paying in full for $497!

Save $250 & Pay in full

payment option 2

Split your payments up over 6 months for $125 per month!

pay over 6 months

payment option 3

Extend your payments over 9 months for just $83 per month!

pay over 9 months

Unsure if it's for you?
Schedule a Clarity Call with Coach Abbie!

Schedule a call with Coach Abbie below to talk about your specific goals and health history to see if the program makes sense for you! Can't find a time that works? DM her on Instagram @abbie.stasior to schedule outside her calendar!

Schedule a clarity call here!