52. Align your life to your menstrual cycle (feat. Amanda Wahlstedt MS, RDN)

My friend & fellow Registered Dietitian, Amanda Wahstedt joins the podcast today to talk about all things cycle syncing! In this episode we discuss how to optimize your menstrual cycle and align your self-care routine, your work schedule, and your exercise practice to your period. We also talk a bit about how to cycle sync on birth control and where to start if you have an irregular period! Tune in to learn how to make your cycle your superpower!


Episode Resources:

Grab my "Health Tips For Your Cycle Freebie" Here!

Listen to my Nutrition Tips for your Cycle Episode Here!

Listen to my Tips for a Regular Cycle Episode Here!


All About Amanda:

Amanda Wahlstedt MS, RDN, CDN is a holistic women's health dietitian, yoga instructor, and founder of Roots to Leaves. With a Masters in Nutrition and Public Health from Columbia University and a Bachelors in Communications from Cornell University, Amanda combines her expertise to support women from post-birth control to postpartum. Her practice integrates nutrition, yoga, and holistic wellness to empower women on their health journeys.

Instagram (@roots_to_leaves)

Amanda's Links



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