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54. Keeping Kosher in a non-diet way (feat. Sharona Schnall @yourjewishnutritionist)

Sharona Schnall (@yourjewishnutritionist) joins the podcast today to talk about approaching Jewish holidays in a balanced, non-diet way! We also cover how to navigate respecting your fullness with Jewish moms who show their love through food, what it means to keep Kosher as well as giving you some anchor scriptures that can help you navigate your healthy lifestyle!

Sharona's Instagram @yourjewishnutritionist

Sharona Schnall, a Graduate Student in Human Nutrition at CSUN and a Dietetic Intern with a concentration in Medical Nutrition Therapy, is on her way to becoming a Registered Dietitian! Sharona started an Instagram page called @yourjewishnutritionist to share insights into not only the nutrient component of health, but also emphasizing the importance of mindset, mental health, and incorporating faith and culture into one’s daily life. She shares knowledge to combat harmful misinformation. Sharona cares about improving people's lives with meaningful content in a fun way!


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