60. This sent me to the hospital: My story healing from compulsive exercise

In this episode, I talk about my disordered relationship with exercise and some initial steps I took to heal. If you are someone that feels the need to exercise all the time, will only exercise a certain way/intensity, feels the need to burn off what you ate or want to become more consistent with exercise... you need this episode!!


Post - "Things I've said as a Dietitian that have made people mad" -- https://www.tiktok.com/@abbie.stasior/video/7288726019337440558?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7276083920172451371

Episode - "Why Keto is a no for me" - https://www.beaboutbeingbetter.com/podcasts/be-about-being-better/episodes/2147793068

Episode - "Aligning your life to your menstrual cycle" - https://www.beaboutbeingbetter.com/podcasts/be-about-being-better/episodes/2148090061



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