Be About Being Better

Be About Being Better

Hosted by: Abbie Stasior MS, RD, CIEC

Welcome to the Be About Being Better podcast, where we empower you to make evidence-based, sustainable, and transformative changes for your health, leading to a more vibrant and fulfilling life. Join your host, Abbie...

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51. Staying healthy with a busy corporate schedule

Last week I presented to a group of SalesForce employees on my top tips for staying healthy with a busy, corporate schedule! And y'all wanted a recap of what I talked about, so here it is! It is possible to prioritize...
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50. Making your produce last longer & taste better with sustainable living (feat. Sylvia Ganier)

Sylvia Ganier, the Chief Farm Officer of Green Door Gourmet, an organic farm in Nashville joins the podcast today! She talks about the importance of buying local, how to get started with composting, how to keep your...
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49. Consistency vs. Perfection

YES... these are different -- Not interchangeable terms! Tune in this week to learn the difference between consistency and perfection and how to develop a consistent healthy lifestyle and break away from the trap of...
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48. A Dietitian vs. Nutritionist (feat. Cassandra Lepore, RDN from All Access Dietetics)

I'm officially a Registered Dietitian WOOOOO!!!! Thank you all for the support on this journey -- y'all know it's been a wild ride! In light of me graduating and passing my RD exam, I've brought on a friend &...
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47. Building Resilience (feat. Paige Vandy)

Paige Vandy, an Online Business Coach for Health & Fitness Coaches joins the BABB Podcast today! She opens up about her traumatic story and upbringing and how she got herself out of an extremely hard, abusive...
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46. Reframe your negative thoughts: the 6 R's

If negative self-talk is consuming you... you need this episode! If you say things like, "I hate my body" or "I never do anything right" or "People must look at me and think I don't take care of myself" or "No one...
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45. Cooking 101: How to start cooking with ease (feat. Sydney Navid, MS)

If you want to start meal prepping but are crunched for time, this is for you! If you cook but get bored by the same old recipes, this is for you! If you believe that cooking time-efficient meals means compromising...
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44. How to stop snoozing

If it's impossible for you to get up in the morning and you keep hitting snooze... this episode will give you all the tips you need to jumpstart your morning! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Main Character Morning Routines...
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43. Something > Nothing (feat. BABB Client Marliese Shaw)

TW: ED, Undereating. Begin Better Program client, Marliese Shaw joins the podcast today to talk about her experience recovering from "ARFID," a lesser-known and unique eating disorder (avoidant/restrictive food intake...
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42. What supplement companies don't want you to know

Are you considering buying a supplement? Listen to this episode before making the purchase so you can learn about what supplement companies don't want you to know and the risks of purchasing supplements!!! I had the...
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41. Nutrition tips for before, during & after pregnancy (feat. Mel Spinella MS, RDN)

Whether you're 3 to 5 years out from wanting to get pregnant, starting to seriously try or are currently pregnant, this episode is for you! I'm joined with my friend & colleague in the field of Dietetics, Mel...
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40. Finals, Flus, and Funerals: How to stay healthy when life hits

If your tendency is to totally give up on your healthy habits when life hits, when you're going through a tragedy or when life is crazy busy... we have to shift that around! It's true that your health cannot always be...
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